Due to the pandemic, our school was virtual through April and did not hold many in-person events. However, we decided to have in-person graduation this year. Our team worked to cover the event on three different social media platforms including Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. We posted clips of speeches given at the ceremony and interviews with teachers and graduating seniors. Below, you will see examples of our coverage on the three platforms. See our Twitter and Instagram live coverage and add @scotscoop on Snapchat to view more videos.

There was a limited number of seats at graduation and many people could not attend the event. We kept our social channels updated throughout the event so family and friends who could not attend were still able to see the ceremony and the rest of the event. As a result, there was an increase in engagement across all three* platforms that day, which is illustrated below.
*Snapchat does not have an analytics feature, so we only pulled data from Twitter and Instagram