With distance learning this year, many students were unaware of our newsmagazine, Highlander. In order to engage more viewers, we created teasers and sneak peeks of each issue to post on social media. We posted when each newsmagazine was published and sent out information about how to subscribe to Highlander and have the issues delivered. See Highlander issues
Teasers/sneak peeks
Our school followed a distance learning structure for the majority of the school year. As a result, many students did not know when Highlander issues came out, so we wanted to post announcements for each issue to remind people.
What we did:
To build suspense, we posted teasers and sneak peaks of upcoming Highlander issues on our social media platforms. We included graphics from the main theme of that issue and created engaging videos to get people excited for it to come out.
Publishing announcements
Because most students weren't attending school in person, they weren't aware of when Highlander issues came out. We wanted to increase engagement with our newsmagazine and make sure people knew when issues were being sent out.
What we did:
We decided to post reminder graphics when Highlander issues were published to make sure our followers knew to check their mailboxes or our website to read our newsmagazine. These graphics had pictures of the front cover of the magazine, which was very helpful in engaging and reminding our followers. As a result, the number of views on the online site for our magazine grew and we received many more readers.
Subscription information
One of our goals this school year was to increase subscriptions for the Highlander. We wanted to engage more students in our content and share our articles with our school community.
What we did:
We decided to give out free newsmagazines to Carlmont High School students so that more people would be able to read our content. We posted graphics and announcements on all of our social media platforms (Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook) and sent forms out for people to sign up. We did not want to limit students from signing up to receive the newsmagazine issues if they were not able to pick up the copies from school, so we gave them the opportunity to have it delivered to their house or to pick it up; having more flexibility and offering more free issues to students helped our publication because we received many new subscribers.

Our Highlander marketing efforts through social media had a large impact on our overall number of subscriptions and views to our newsmagazine. In the end, we sold over 150 subscriptions to members in our community and gave out roughly 450 free subscriptions to students.
Our teasers and sneak peak video/announcement posts also had a lot of engagement, with more people viewing our profiles and clicking on the link to read the Highlander.